型號: WD-40® WD 85024 萬能防銹潤滑劑-13.9安士-412毫升 (加送裝)
- 具防銹、潤滑、解銹、除濕等神奇功效
- 專利配方,絕不含硅酮及氯氟氫(CFC s),不對環境造成玻(符合香港VOC法例)
- 清除膠漬、黏貼漬、順滑門窗、清除污漬、起動受潮馬達
- CO2推進100%有效容量,更加安全環保
Model: WD-40® WD 85024 Multi-Purpose Anti-Rust Lubricant-13.9OZ-412ml (Bonus)
Product introduction
- Cleans and protects chrome, garden tools from rusting
- Removes stickers, gum, wax, residue from household items
- Lubricates locks, door hinges, luggage zippers, wheels and more
Known as "the can with thousands of uses," WD-40® protects metal from rust and corrosion, penetrates stuck parts, displaces moisture, and lubricates just about anything