型號: PHILIPS BRI956/00 Lumea Prestige IPL 彩光脫毛器
享受 6 個月的持久淨滑肌膚
採用 SenseIQ 智能感控技術的 Philips Lumea Prestige 是我們最有效的 IPL 彩光脫毛器。Lumea 的智能配件為家用脫毛帶來方便,完美緊貼身體曲線,並為身體各部位提供度身訂做的模式。
4 個智能配件 - 獲取最佳效果
- 採用 SenseIQ 智能感控技術
- 腋下、比堅尼、身體、面部
- 附有 SmartSkin 智能膚色感應器
- 可無線及有線使用
Model: PHILIPS BRI956/00 Lumea Prestige IPL hair removal device
Enjoy 6 months of hair-free smooth skin
Philips Lumea Prestige with SenseIQ technology is our most effective IPL. Designed for convenient treatment at home, Lumea's intelligent attachments perfectly fit every curve of your body and adapt programs tailored for each body area.
4 intelligent attachments - for optimal results
- With SenseIQ technology
- Underarms, bikini, body, face
- With SmartSkin sensor
- Both cordless and corded use