型號: 3M™ SS1514AS-B 安全太陽眼鏡, 黑/綠框, 防刮鏡片, 灰鏡(鏡面)
- 職業用護眼裝置,設計大膽,外型時尚創新
- 時尚輕巧的安全眼鏡,佩戴舒適,方便長時間使用
- 可移除的泡棉裡墊,令佩戴者更感舒適,且有助抵檔惱人的灰塵
- 防刮鍍膜保護鏡片,避免刮花而造成分心
- 聚碳酸酯鏡片可吸收99.9%UVA及達380nm的UVB
- 符合CSA Z94.3 及 ANSI Z87.1-2010的要求
- 1500系列功能超卓、佩戴舒適、做工精美,其流線型框架設計大膽、別具個性。可移除的泡棉墊片,提供緩衝保護,既可抵受撞擊,也能遮擋太陽、強風及惱人的灰塵
- 3M™安全太陽眼鏡有助保護眼睛,免受塵埃、碎屑和太陽有害光線的影響;外型時尚,風格大膽前衛。這些安全眼鏡糅合防護需要及型格外觀。舊式的安全眼鏡外型巨大、笨重、醜陋,工人完成工作後都急不及待把它們除下。相反,我們的安全太陽眼鏡,流線型設計,輕便時尚。1500系列型號提供加墊保護,有助抵抗撞擊、遮擋太陽、強風及惱人的灰塵。安全太陽眼鏡提供工作時所需的護眼需要及您夢寐以求的美感,佩戴着這全包圍式框架、時尚設計的安全太陽眼鏡,定必吸引旁人艷羨目光。鏡片的防霧鍍膜,有助減少在高温潮濕環境起霧的問題。防霧特性更可以保持視野清晰,減少除下眼鏡清理鏡片上濕氣的需要
- 這些眼鏡具備全面護目功能,包括:1500系列可移除的泡棉墊片;抗撞擊的聚碳酸酯鏡片,可吸收99.9% UVA 及高達380nm的 UVB;符合CSA Z94.3-2007和ANSI Z87.1-2010的要求
- 要保護眼睛、保持健康視力,護眼裝備非常重要。根據勞工局的統計顯示,每五名工人裡,差不多有三名會因為在意外時沒有佩戴護眼裝備而導致眼睛受傷。3M明白防護眼鏡必須設計美觀,而且佩戴舒適,才會令工人樂意使用。這就是3M防護眼鏡結合安全功能及舒適設計的原因了
Model: 3M™ SS1514AS-B Safety Sunwear, Black/Green Frame, Silver Mirror AS Lens
- On-the-job eye protection with a sleek and bold design that looks cutting-edge
- Contemporary, lightweight safety glasses feel comfortable for extended wear
- Removable foam liners on 1500 series for additional comfort and protection from nuisance dust
- Anti-scratch coating helps protect lenses from scratches that can become distractions
- Polycarbonate lenses absorb 99.9% UVA and UVB up to 380 nm
- Meets the requirements of CSA Z94.3 and ANSI Z87.1-2010
- Perfectly blending comfort, performance and flair, the 1500-Series offers a streamlined frame design with attitude and bold style. The removable foam-lined gasket helps provide cushioned protection against impact, sun, wind, and nuisance dust
- 3M™ Safety Sunwear Protective Eyewear helps protect eyes from dust, debris and the harmful rays of the sun, yet look bold and contemporary for a stylish appearance. These safety eye glasses combine the protection you need with the appearance you want. Old fashioned safety glasses that are big and bulky are ones that workers want to take off as quickly as possible after the workday because they are clunky, heavy and ugly. Safety Sunwear, in contrast, is streamline, lightweight and stylish. The removable foam-lined gasket on the 1500 series models helps provide cushioned protection against impact, sun, wind, and nuisance dust. Safety Sunwear provides eye protection needed on the job and the style you want away from it. The wraparound frame adds to the contemporary style of Safety Sunwear. When wearing these safety glasses, people will turn their heads for all the right reasons. An anti-scratch coating has been applied to help reduce the potential of surface damage to the lenses, which helps maintain visibility by protecting the lenses from distracting scratches, nicks and scrapes
- These glasses come with important safety features for overall eye protection, including removable foam liners on 1500 series and impact resistant polycarbonate lenses that absorb 99.9% UVA and UVB rays up to 380 nm. The glasses also meet the requirements of CSA Z94.3-2007 and ANSI Z87.1-2010
- Eye protection is important to safeguard your eyes and maintain healthy vision. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly three out of every five workers who suffered eye injuries were not wearing eye protection at the time of the accident. Wearing the correct protective eyewear for the task and for the unique needs of the worker is important. 3M recognizes the need to design comfortable and attractive eyewear, increasing the usage of safety glasses on the job. That’s why 3M™ Protective Eyewear combines safety features with comfort enhancements