型號: 3M™ PN66041 汽車冷氣過濾網(246x206x29mm)
- 獨有超細靜電纖維過濾技術
- 循環淨化清新車內空氣
- 能吸附濾除PM2.5和PM10懸浮微粒高達98%微細粒子
- 有效延長冷氣系統使用的壽命
- 有效降低過敏原、塵螨,循環淨化清新車內空氣
- 有效去除進入車廂之有害氣體及異味
- 3M™汽車冷氣過濾網通過有效地攔截來自車外的微細灰塵、花粉、黴菌及汽車排氣, 為所有類型的乘用車的空調系統提供空氣過濾解決方案
Model: 3M™ PN66041 Cabin Air Filter(246x206x29mm)
- Contain electrostatic charged fiber
- Purify cabin air circulation
- Filter 98% of PM2.5 and PM10airborne microparticles and allergens
- Extend the life time of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system
- Remove harmful gas and odor
- 3M™ Cabin Air Filter provides air filtering solution during drive for all types of passage car having air conditioning system by effectively intercepting fine dust, pollen, mold, car exhaust and its odor from outside of car