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型號: 3M™ PN39002 皇牌美容粗蠟 (16OZ) 



  • 合成研磨劑有效去除車漆上之細微花痕、輕度氧化、水印、旋風等痕跡。

3M™皇牌美容粗蠟可快速去除打磨花痕、氧化、粗糙漩渦痕跡和水斑。 經打磨後,只留下最小的痕跡,可安全應用於透明塗層、漆和琺瑯漆面,讓殘舊的汽車車身飾面再次煥然一新。


Model: 3M™ PN39002 Rubbing Compound (16OZ)



  • Compound removes scratches caused by sanding
  • Formula effectively removes oxidation, stains and surface blemishes
  • Application creates a lustrous shine with minimal swirl marks or holograms
  • Fast-cut formulation reduces compounding time

3M™ Auto Care Rubbing Compound quickly removes sand scratches, oxidation, coarse swirl marks and water spots. Our liquid compound leaves minimal swirl marks and is safe for clear coats, lacquer and enamel paint finishes. This car rubbing compound makes dull and tired looking auto body finishes look new and glossy once again.

Refresh the Look of Your Car, Truck or Van
3M™ Auto Care Rubbing Compound revives the luster and shine that makes a car glisten out on a sunny day. Our automotive rubbing compound both smooths and cleans surfaces, making it a dual-purpose product. Compounding removes the scratch pattern left by abrasives in previous sanding applications. You can expect it to effectively remove fine sanding scratches in the gelcoat. While smoothing the surface, it also cleans by removing oxidation, water spots and other stains and blemishes.

A High Quality Finish with Minimal Swirl Marks
Our rubbing compound for cars produces a high quality professional finish that helps reduce the appearance of coarse swirl marks. Its fast-cut formulation reduces compounding time, making restoration a quicker and easier task.

3M™ PN39002 皇牌美容粗蠟 (16OZ) - Rubbing Compound (16OZ)



    Unless specified, all products with warranty from local distributor.


    ​Please refer to the relevant manufacturers/distributor's warranty terms and conditions.


    Please refer to the manufacturers/distributors for the latest product features and specifications.


    We will contact customer for the order confirmation after order received and provide the payment method.


    If any products not found on this website, customer may contact us directly for query.

    Phone/WhatsApp/Wechat: 92204517

