型號: 3M™ PN39000 超級濃縮洗車精(16 oz)
- 濃縮清潔劑有效分解汽車漆面上之污穢、油脂及塵埃
- 每次只需小量清潔劑
- 以清水稀釋
- 可使用15-20次
Model: 3M™ PN39000 Super Car Wash Soap(16 oz)
- Concentrated cleaner effectively decomposes dirt, grease and dust on car paint
- Only a small amount of detergent is needed at a time
- Dilute with water
- Can be used 15-20 times
3M™ Auto Super Car Wash's soap safely removes grime and easily washes away residue, but it doesn't damage the protective wax coating, so your car quickly regains its shine and looks fresher.