- 高效快速捕捉降解空氣的甲醛分子
- 去除難聞異味。
- 對汽車內飾以及其他裝飾材料釋放的甲醛具有消除率高、去除速度快的特點。
- 水性配方具有高度活性, 能持久發生效用。
3M™ 甲醛淨化除味劑噴霧利用獨特基團反應, 高效快速捕捉降解空氣的甲醛分子及難聞異味。
3M™ PN38360 Formaldehyde Removal Spray (200ml)
Product introduction
- Rapidly capture and reduce formaldehyde in air.
- Removes pungent odors.
- It has high elimination rate and fast removal rate for formaldehyde released from automotive interiors and other decorative materials.
- The water-based formula is highly active and lasts for a long time.
3M™ Formaldehyde Removal Spray make use of group reaction to rapidly capture and reduce formaldehyde and pungent odors in the air.