型號: 3M™ PN38120 超級吸水布
- 吸水力特強,清洗擦拭不留水痕,省時有效率
- 特殊材質,用後擰乾,不發霉不發臭
- 可與各種清潔劑使用,適合車外部清潔擦拭
- 沒有一般棉布的殘留棉絮,擦拭玻璃更輕鬆
- 對物體表面灰塵清除力特佳,同時清洗後不殘留,乾淨無比
- 特殊材質吸水能力特強,且對物體表面灰塵清除力特佳,同時清洗後不殘留,乾淨無比,居家、車輛清潔一網打盡
Model: 3M™ PN38120 Car Care Wiper
- Size: 43x32x0.2cm
- Strong water absorption
- Cleaning and wiping without leaving watermarks, saving time and efficiency
- Special formula, wring out after use, no mold and no smell
- Can be used with a variety of cleaning agents, suitable for car external cleaning
- 3M™ Super Car Wiper has excellent water absorption and dust removal effect