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型號: 3M™ MFAF190-ORF 空氣淨化器專用濾網 (適用於FAPHK-C01WA-A型號)



  • 採用BMF微織熔噴技術製成的不織布,纖維細緻且結構硬挺,搭配N95口罩相同的「靜電技術」,將正負電荷密佈在纖維上,使其一根根變得像吸鐵般,吸附空氣中帶正電或負電的懸浮粒子,最高能濾除空氣中99.9%如塵埃、花粉、塵螨、寵物毛屑等過敏原與帶菌微粒,不只對付PM2.5,就連比PM2.5微米小800倍的0.003微米微粒也能一網打"淨"
  • 病毒#去除率超過99%,細菌**去除率超過 99%
  • 3M濾網為美國肺臟協會健康夥伴
  • 原產地:台灣 (濾網材質為3M美國原裝進口)
  • 濾網尺寸 : 196mm x 247mm x 38mm
  • 3M除異味加強濾網單位面積含碳量大幅超越市面上一般標榜去味的活性碳濾網,加上運用3M獨特的混紡微織熔噴技術,除臭效果效能優異對於家中常見例如霉味、菸味、廚餘或食物腐敗異味、鞋襪臭味、寵物等各式異味來源中的乙醛、醋酸、阿摩尼亞、甲硫醇、硫化氫、三甲胺等化學成分能有效吸附,迅速強力脫臭! 可強力去除18種化學氣體包含臭氧與甲醛,還有居家環境中常見的揮發性有機化合物(VOC氣體): 苯, 甲苯, 二甲苯, 苯乙烯, 氯仿, 二氯乙烯, 三氯乙烯, 四氯乙烯, 四氯化碳, 丁烷, 正己烷, 壬烷, 乙酸乙酯, 異丙醇, 萘, 三甲胺等16種揮發性有機氣體。搭載正負電荷的靜電濾網纖維則可以高效濾除空氣中如塵埃、花粉、塵蟎、寵物毛屑等過敏原與病菌。
  • 全球逾200項靜電濾淨技術專利,以3M發明的不織布核心技術,與多項技術平台交錯運用,於超細濾網纖維施加正負電荷,最高能濾除空氣中99.9%如塵埃、花粉、塵螨、寵物毛屑等過敏原與帶菌微粒, 甚至能過濾小至比PM2.5微米還小800倍的0.003微米微粒。3M獨特3合1靜電技術:靜電吸附、主動攔截、換氣淨化。在最小適用面積下,每10分鐘可快速換氣一次。
  • 3M獨特3合1靜電技術:靜電吸附、主動攔截、換氣淨化。在最小適用面積下,每10分鐘可快速換氣一次。
  • #H1N1 **以白色葡萄球菌測試


Model: 3M™ MFAF190-ORF Room Air Purifier Replacement Filter (for model FAPHK-C01WA-A)



  • Use with 3M™ Room Air Purifier FAPHK-C01WA-A
  • Effectively filter 0.003 micron (800 times smaller than PM2.5 particles) viruses, bacteria and allergens
  • Virus and bacteria removal efficiency exceeds 99%#
  • 3M filter fiber blended with activated charcoal, which can strongly remove 18 kinds of chemical gases, common volatile organic compounds (VOC gases such as formaldehyde) in the home environment
  • 3M electret technology effectively purifies indoor air without producing ozone and other harmful substances
  • 3M™ Filter is American Lung Association National Proud Partner
  • Made in Taiwan (Filter raw material from 3M US)
  • Filter dimension : 196 x 247 x 38mm
  • The carbon content per unit area of ​​the 3M deodorizing enhanced filter greatly exceeds other activated carbon filters in the market. In addition, using 3M’s unique blended micro-woven meltblown technology, the deodorizing performance is excellent on chemicals, such as acetaldehyde, acetic acid, ammonia, methyl mercaptan, hydrogen sulfide and trimethylamine, that come from common domestic odors, such as smell of cigarette, kitchen waste or food spoilage, footwear odor, pets, etc., Those odors can be absorbed effectively and quickly! It can remove 18 chemical gases including ozone and formaldehyde, as well as 16 volatile organic compounds (VOC gases: benzene, toluene, xylene, styrene, chloroform, dichloroethylene, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, butane, n-hexane, nonane, ethyl acetate, isopropanol, naphthalene and trimethylamine) that commonly found in home environment. The electrostatic filter fiber with positive and negative charges can effectively filter out allergens and germs such as dust, pollen, dust mites, pet dander, etc. in the air.
  • More than 200 patents for electret technology around the world, with the core technology of non-woven fabrics invented by 3M, interlaced with multiple technology platforms, applying positive and negative charges to the ultra-fine filter fibers, which can filter up to 99.9% of dust, pollen, and dust mites in the air , pet dander, other allergens and bacteria-carrying particles
  • #Test with H1N1 and Staphylococcus albicans

3M™ MFAF190-ORF 空氣淨化器專用濾網 (適用於FAPHK-C01WA-A型號) - Air Purifier Replacement Filter



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