型號: 3M™ FAPHK-T03WA-F3 空氣淨化器
- 有效過濾比PM2.5微粒細小800倍的0.003微米病毒、細菌、過敏原及顆粒物
- 病毒#去除率超過99%,細菌**去除率超過 99%
- 3M靜電駐極技術有效淨化室內空氣,不會產生臭氧及其他有害物質
- 輕聲濾淨不擾眠,睡眠模式下運轉僅24.4dB.介於樹葉摩擦聲和輕聲細語音量間
- 採用DC直流變頻馬達,最高轉速耗電量135W,省錢寧静
- 雙重濾網更換提醒,分別依靜電濾網和前置濾網使用時間提醒更換或清洗,確保靜電濾網和前置濾網均能維持在最佳濾淨狀態,避免因髒汙累積影響淨化效果
- 內建空氣品質指示燈及PM2.5偵測器,在自動模式下,可依偵測到的環境PM2.5濃度調整相應濾淨風速,以確保空氣淨化器運轉維持在最佳效能:
0~35 ug/m3:空氣品質良好~普通;低速運轉,燈號顯示為綠色
35~75 ug/m3:空氣品質對敏感族群~所有族群不健康;中速運轉,燈號顯示為橘色
75 ug/m3(含)以上:空氣品質對所有族群~非常不健康或危害;高速運轉,燈號顯示為紅色
產品尺寸: 721mm(高) x 310mm(寬) x 300mm(深)
顏色: 啞白色
- CADR潔淨風量值450 CMH,適用581平方英尺空間(依每小時循環全室空氣2.5次至6次計算),10分鐘即有效濾淨99.9%空氣中總生菌數和99.9% PM2.5,開機不到3.1分鐘,即可產出成人一天所需乾淨空氣量20000公升,快速淨化居家空氣。 全球逾200項靜電濾淨技術專利,以3M發明的不織布核心技術,與多項技術平台交錯運用,於超細濾網纖維施加正負電荷,最高能濾除空氣中99.9%如塵埃、花粉、塵螨、寵物毛屑等過敏原與帶菌微粒, 甚至能過濾小至比PM2.5微米還小800倍的0.003微米微粒。
- FAPHK-T03WA-F3使用針對CCM標準最新研發的"長效型靜電過濾技術",採用極細緻濾網纖維,搭配BMF微織熔噴製程,大幅提昇濾網纖維的織入量和表面積,不但維持3M靜電濾網一貫優良傳統:高CADR、高循環效率、低壓阻的特性,更提昇2倍*的累計淨化量,雙倍延長濾網續航力。
- CCM (Cumulated Clean Mass, 累計淨化量),是除了CADR值以外的重要指標。
- 當空氣淨化器濾網的濾淨效率從全新狀態到衰減至50%時,這段期間累計所淨化汙染物的總重量,單位為毫克(mg)。它代表空氣淨化器的持續凈化能力,數值越高,說明濾網的汙染物承載量愈高,使用壽命越長。
- *與3M現行濾網比較
- #H1N1 **以白色葡萄球菌測試
Model: 3M™ FAPHK-T03WA-F3 Room Air Purifier
- Effectively filter 0.003 micron (800 times smaller than PM2.5 particles) viruses, bacteria and allergens
- Virus and bacteria removal rate exceeds 99%#
- 3M electret technology effectively purifies indoor air without producing ozone and other harmful substances
- Only 24.4dB under sleep mode operation, softly filtered without disturbing sleep
- Adopt DC convertor, maximum power consumption 135W, saving money and quiet
- Two filter replacement reminders, reminds to replace or clean according to the usage time of the electrostatic filter and the pre-filter, to ensure the filter can be maintained in the best filtering state, and avoid the accumulation of dirt that affects the purification effect
- Built-in air quality indicator and PM2.5 detector. In automatic mode, the corresponding filtering wind speed can be adjusted according to the detected environmental PM2.5 concentration to ensure that the air purifier is running at the best performance
- The CADR is 450CMH, suitable for a space of 581 ft2, and can effectively filter 99.9% of the total bacteria and 99.9% PM2.5 in the air in 10 minutes
- The use of ultra-fine filter fibers increases the cumulative purification capacity by 2 times* and doubles the endurance of the filter
- Size: 721mm(H) x 310mm(W) x 300mm(D)
- Color: Matte White
- The CADR clean air volume value is 450 CMH, which is suitable for up to 581 square foot space (calculated based on circulating the whole room air 2.5 to 6 times per hour), which can effectively filter 99.9% of the total bacterial count and 99.9% PM2.5 in the air in 10 minutes. In less than 3.1 minutes, it can produce 20,000 liters of clean air for a daily need of an adult. More than 200 patents for electrostatic filtration technology around the world, with the core technology of non-woven fabrics invented by 3M, interlaced with multiple technology platforms, applying positive and negative charges to the ultra-fine filter fiber, which can filter up to 99.9% of dust, pollen, and dust mites in the air, pet dander and other allergens and bacteria-carrying particles, even PM0.003 micron particles as small as 800 times smaller than PM2.5 micron can be filtered.
- FAPHK-T03WA-F3 uses the latest "long-acting electrostatic filtration technology" developed for the CCM standard. It adopts extremely fine filter fibers, combined with the BMF micro-woven meltblown process, which greatly increases the amount of weaving and surface area of the filter fibers, not only maintaining 3M electrostatic filter good performance: high CADR, high cycle efficiency, low pressure resistance characteristics, it double cumulative purification capacity and service life of the filter. CCM (Cumulated Clean Mass) is an important indicator besides CADR value. When the filter efficiency of the air purifier filter changes from a new state to 50%, the total weight of the pollutants purified during this period is accumulated in milligrams (mg). It represents the continuous purification capacity of the air purifier. The higher the value, the higher the pollutant carrying capacity of the filter and the longer the service life.
- #Test with H1N1 and Staphylococcus albicans
- *Compare with current 3M™ filter