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型號: 3M™ DWS2500T-CN 智能淨水系統



  • 過濾精密度:0.2微米
  • 有效過濾水量:750加侖 (2,839公升)* * 當水流速度減慢時應更換濾芯,建議每6至9個月更換一次,但亦視乎用水量及水質而異,濾芯最長使用期為12個月。
  • 流量:0.75加侖/分鐘 (2.84公升/分鐘)
  • 產品榮獲 NSF/ANSI Std. 42 及53認證
  • 採用IMPACT Technology - 醫藥級標準之精密複合活性碳柱尼龍濾膜以達至0.2微米之過濾效能。
  • 雙濾芯設計 - 前置濾芯PFS2500-C-CN用以過濾體積較大之微粒,有助保護較精密之複合活性碳柱尼龍濾膜濾芯DWS2500-C-CN。
  • 即開即飲而同時保留對人體有益的多種礦物質,令您和家人時刻享用清新、潔淨的飲用水。
  • SQC濾芯設計 - 快速更換濾芯及全密封式設計,令濾芯替換操作更簡易衛生。
  • 適用水温:攝氏4.4-38度 / 適用水壓:25-125psi

濾水系統榮獲 NSF/ANSI Std. 42及53認證,有效過濾餘氯、異味、重金屬、鉛、水銀、沉積物、鐵銹、揮發性有機化合物(VOC)包括三鹵甲烷 (TTHM-Trihalomethane)、99.99%隱孢子蟲及細菌

尺寸:40cm (高) x 29cm (闊) x 14cm (深)
濾芯型號:前置濾芯PFS2500-C-CN 及 後置濾芯DWS2500-C-CN (一套兩支)


Model: 3M™ DWS2500T-CN Water Filtration System



  • Micron Rating: 0.2 micron
  • Capacity: 750 Gals (2,839L)* * Change the cartridge when the water flow becomes slow. Suggest to change cartridge every 6 to 9 months. Cartridge life varies by water consumption and water quality but the maximum life is 12 months only.
  • Flow Rate: 0.75 gpm (2.84 lpm)
  • System Certified by NSF/ANSI Std. 42 & 53.
  • Using IMPACT Technology^ - pharmaceutical grade premium carbon/nylon membrane to achieve filtration capacity of 0.2 micron rating. ^IMPACT: Integrated Membrane Pre-Activated Carbon Technology
  • Twin Cartridge System Design - Prefilter PFS2500-C-CN filter bigger size of particulates which helps to protect delicate carbon block/nylon membrane postfilter in DWS2500-C-CN
  • Improved drinking water quality, minerals are still in water which are essential for our daily healthy life.
  • Sanitary Quick Change Filter Cartridge design for fast and easy cartridge replacement.
  • Operating Temperature:4.4-38⁰C / Operating Pressure: 25-125psi

Effectively filter chlorine tasta, odor, heavy metal, lead, mercury, sediment, rust, VOC (included TTHM-Trihalomethane) and 99.99% cysts and bacteria.

Undersink Installation; System Size: 40cm (H) x 29cm (W) x 14cm (D), 5cm distance reserved for cartridge change-out.
Replacement Cartridge: Prefilter PFS2500-C-CN and Postfilter DWS2500-C-CN (A set of 2 filters)

3M™ DWS2500T-CN 智能淨水系統

HK$6,388.00 一般價格


    Unless specified, all products with warranty from local distributor.


    ​Please refer to the relevant manufacturers/distributor's warranty terms and conditions.


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