型號: 3M™ 50401 專業除塵布 32X40CM (10片裝)
- 無紡布織物
- 用於噴漆、打磨前後的表面清潔處理
- 能高效去除鈑金上的細微灰塵及污染物
- 確保噴漆前鈑面的光潔及噴漆後鈑面的亮麗
- 超強吸塵能力及容塵性能
- 不含溶劑,環保性好
- 壓敏膠技術,不留殘膠
- 不掉棉毛、不含矽
Model: 3M™ 50401 Tack Cloth Aqua 32X40CM (10PCS)
- Remove dirt, lint, dust and sanding particles
- Clean a wide variety of materials in the pre-painting process
- Get less adhesive transfer to the hands
- Long life, stays soft and dry
- Use to clean a wide variety of materials in the pre-painting process