- 空氣清新機可以保護您和您的親人免受有害的PM 2.5顆粒物和有害氣體的傷害
- 消除由食物,汗水和其他來源造成的異味
- 高效去除甲醛
- 智能空氣質量感應器和自動風速調節
- 免費1年品質保証
3M™汽車空氣清新機 - 先進的四層過濾系統可在十數分鐘內淨化車內空氣。 這款靈巧的清新機可以安裝在汽車內多處角落(20.6厘米x 17.6厘米x 7.3厘米),它結合了3M的多種創新過濾技術,可去除高達99%的污染物和空氣中的顆粒物,如微塵、花粉和煙霧, 保護你和家人的健康。
配備12V DC 汽車電線及220V AC變壓器分別於車內及室內使用
- Purifier protects you and your loved ones against harmful PM 2.5 dust particles and harmful gases
- Gets rid of bad odors caused by food, sweat and other sources
- Highly efficient formaldehyde removal
- Smart Air Quality sensor and automatic airflow adjustment
- Free 1 year warranty.
Introducing the 3M™ Vehicle Air Purifier Plus- an advanced four-layer filtration system that purifies the air in your car in minutes. Small enough to be installed virtually anywhere in your car (20.6cm x 17.6cm x 7.3cm), the purifier combines multiple proprietary filtration technologies from 3M to remove up to 99% of pollutants and airborne particles such as dirt, pollen, and smoke, which can be detrimental to the health of you and your loved ones.
Comes with 12V DC in-car power cable and 220V AC adaptor for use in car or indoor.