型號: 美國龜牌 TWA-124 快乾PVA麂皮巾 32 x 43 cm
- 超強吸水力、特厚、耐用、麂皮用於清潔和乾燥時不會留下任何水痕
- 可抹乾任何表面,PVA 比普通乾燥毛巾更吸水,在車身上可超快速滑動
- 適用於汽車、家庭、船隻甚至寵物
- 使用前用溫水徹底沖洗乾淨
- 如果PVA麂皮巾變髒,只需機洗即可
- 洗滌後,擠出多餘的水分,將濕潤的 PVA 麂皮放回儲存盒中
- 護理:如果PVA 麂皮巾變乾,只需將其弄濕,它就會恢復到原來的柔軟度
- 不要使用含氯漂白劑或含酒精的化學品。不要使用機器乾燥
Model: Turtle Wax TWA-124 Rapid Dry PVA Chamois Cloth 32 x 43cm
- Super absorbent, extra thick, very durable, chamois that leaves a streak free finish when used for cleaning and drying
- Dry any surface, PVA absorbs more than regular drying towels & Extra fast Glides across car surfaces - won't drag Soft & Gentle
- For car, home, boat & even pets
- Rinse thoroughly in warm water before use
- If Rapid Dry PVA Chamois becomes dirty, simply machine wash
- After washing, squeeze out excess water and return moist PVA chamois to storage tube
- CARE: If rapid Dry PVA Chamois dries out, simply wet it and it will return to its original softness
- Do not watch with chlorine bleach or alcohol based chemicals. Do not machine dry