型號: 美國龜牌 TWA-122 神奇潔淨拖把頭替換裝
- 超細纖維新技術
- 最大程度地接觸車身所有表面,從而實現深度清潔
- 3.5 英尺/107 厘米可伸縮手柄和360度的旋轉頭,可實現最大範圍清潔
- 適用於清洗大型汽車、四驅車或SUV等所有表面
- 本產品為拖把替換裝,不含拖把
Model: Turtle Wax TWA-122 Miracle Wash Mop Refill
- New Technology microfibre noodles
- Designed for maximum fibre contact resulting in a deep clean
- 3.5Ft/107 cm extendale handle and 360 degree swivel head for maximum reach
- Ideal for washing all surface of large cars, 4WD and SUV's
- The Mop Refill, not included the mop