型號: 美國龜牌 T-50768 車廂除臭煙霧彈套裝 (加勒比風情)
- 這款車廂除臭煙霧彈可針對並消除強烈的異味,讓您的汽車回復如新車一般,駕駛時更輕鬆愉快。
- 採用先進的 Odor X 技術,只需按一下按鈕,讓除臭劑在汽車來運作15分鐘,再靜置一晚後即可消除最難聞的氣味
- 此外,Odor X 技術更可在使用後持續防臭達 30 天
- 除臭煙霧劑一次性使用,簡單易用,可消除煙味、寵物、咖啡、食物及溢出物等造成的氣味
- 在車廂中狙擊所有異味源頭,徹底清除異味,準確地消除異味並長達30天
- 可滲透到車廂內的每一角落除臭,使用後無任何殘留水漬及痕跡等,可安心使用
- 持續除臭長達30天,並為車廂添上清新香氣
- 附送Odor-X除臭噴霧,可噴在空氣中、織物上或噴進通風口,直接針對問題區域除臭,讓車廂重新添上清新香氣
Model: Turtle Wax T-50768 Odor-X Whole Car Blast Kit (Caribbean Crush Scent)
- This car odor eliminator in a can targets and eliminates strong odors to leave your car smelling clean for a more enjoyable driving experience
- Our unique car odor fogger features advanced, Odor X technology to destroy even the toughest odors with one push of a button
- Plus, Odor X continues to work for up to 30 days after use, meaning it breaks down and neutralizes new odors weeks after the initial application
- Removes and prevents common odors from food, coffee, pets and smoke from interior spaces
- Odor X technology permanently eliminates odors and continues to deodorize for the next 30 days
- Easy to use, one-step process with extremely powerful results