型號: 美國龜牌 T-417 極品磨光粗蠟(去除輕至中度污漬及劃痕) (532ml)
- 去除輕微划痕、漩渦紋、氧化和褪色
- 使用後散發亮眼光澤
- 精細拋光劑,可提高油漆的透明度
- 可安全使用在光油層上,不含矽
- 輕鬆塗抹在您的光油層上,輕力使用即可去除輕微划痕、漩渦紋、蜘蛛紋、氧化、污漬和褪色等
- 適合輕型作業,可修復輕微的汽車划痕等, 不含填料、蠟或有機矽
- 完成後,車身上的油漆和清漆會散發美麗光澤,而不是加上任何掩蔽劑。這款產品不會在汽車上產生灰塵,並且沒有白色殘留物
Model: Turtle Wax T-417 Premium Grade Polishing Compound Light to Medium Cleaner (532ml)
- Removes light scratches, swirls, hazy oxidation and fading
- Leaves a high-gloss shine
- Fine polishing agents improve the clarity of your paint
- Safe for clear coat and silicone-free
- Our Premium Grade Polishing Compound goes easy on your clear coat with a gentle touch to remove light scratches, swirls, spiderwebbing, oxidation, stains and fading
- For lighter-duty jobs, it’s the ideal, one-step solution for car scratch repair. This polishing compound contains zero fillers, waxes or silicones
- The beautiful gloss you’ll see when you’re done will be your actual paint and clear coat, not the result of some masking agent. Even better, this car scratch remover creates very little dusting and no white residue on the finish of your car or truck