型號: 美國勁牌 G-M506 擋風玻璃濃縮清潔劑 (6安士)
- 濃縮配方
- 有效分解路面塵埃及污垢,擋風玻璃明亮清晰
- 不含有害溶劑或洗潔精,不傷害金屬或橡膠
- 使用方便,只需倒部分或全部清潔劑到水箱再加入清水即可
Model: GUNK G-M506 Streak Free Windshield Washer Fluid Concentrate (6oz)
- GUNK Concentrated Windshield Washer Solvent with Ammonia dissolves grim and bugs. It is concentrated, so it will make up to 1.5 gallons of washer solvent. Its small size and weight helps environment through less transportation-emissions. This solvent is easy to use by just pouring some or all into the fluid tank and adding clean water.
- Cleans dirt, grime and bugs
- Does not contain antifreeze
- Streak free ammonia formula
- Makes up to 1.5 gallons
- 6 fl oz