型號: 美國勁牌 G-FEB1 引擎泡沫清潔劑 (18安士)
- 有效去除可被水沖洗引擎上之油脂及污穢物
- 在垂直表面,清潔效能同樣出色
- 可安全於各種表面
- 關掉引擎及讓其冷卻
- 如需要,遮蓋不可濺濕組件,如電子零件、化油器及分火等
- 搖勻並大量噴灑於引擎上,等候5分鐘(遇上頑固污漬,可用擦子清潔)
- 如不慎灑於車殼上,用濕布立即清潔
Model: GUNK G-FEB1 Foamy Engine Cleaner (18oz)
- The quick-expanding, easy-to-rinse foam is specially designed to safely remove build up from engines with plastic covers
- Quickly removes dirt, dust and road grime
- Foam clings to vertical surfaces
- Designed for engines with plastic covers
- Rinses easily with water
- Not for sale in California